For professionals who want their words to make a difference. Let us help you get writing in plain language so that you can share information more effectively and make the world a little fairer.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of Plain English or plain language: that it’s great for your readers, making information easy to read, understand and act upon; and that it’s great for you and your organisation, saving you time, money and reputation.

But if you’re like most people, you’re not sure how to go about it.

  • You (or your team) don’t have time to learn a new way of writing.
  • You think that what you have to say might be too complex.
  • You worry that you’ll come across as simplistic or patronising.

What you need is a helping hand.

So, take ours. With more than 35 years of writing experience under our belt, we understand how plain language (including Plain English) works and how to help people who don’t.

We’ve been helping organisations with their writing since we started out in 2012 as Reporting for Business Ltd (some of whom you can see below).

Under our trading name PhEW we offer the same services and more, but with an emphasis on plain language.

Why how you write matters


Whether you’re sharing information, knowledge, advice or support, your wisdom can change lives, save lives or just make them plain easier. So let us help you get writing in plain language.

‘Thx for your course last week. I found it really useful and it has made me look at [our] documents with fresh eyes.’

‘I would highly recommend PhEW [formerly Reporting for Business Ltd] to any organisation that wants to produce professional, high-quality reports.’

‘Thank you very much for the excellent work you have done. It’s a brilliant piece of work. Lots of positive feedback in relation to how the report will be taken forward.’

‘I’m already able to put your advice into practice. I’ve been given a piece of work to prepare and your plan is helping me work out what information I need and should be looking for.’